Agenda item

Darlington Cancer Profile - Report of the Director of Children and Adult Services, Darlington Borough Council.


The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) providing the Board with a high level overview of cancer need and outcomes for Darlington with reference to the Cancer Profile for Darlington (also previously circulated).


The submitted report stated that cancer had been identified as the second greatest contributor to premature mortality in Darlington; a two year review of cancer services had been launched in 2016, in order to identify opportunities for improvement in patient care and outcomes and to inform commissioning intentions; and as part of the review a cancer profile for Darlington had been produced.


Particular reference was made to the findings from the review which included the fact that there was a strong correlation between prevalence of cancer and deprivation; although screening rates remained good there are signs of a long term reduction in the uptake of cancer screening programmes; overall cancer mortality in Darlington was worse than England and rising; and that there was a worrying proportion of people being diagnosed through emergency department, with poorer experiences and outcomes.


The Director of Commissioning and Transformation, NHS Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group stated that data was ‘old data’ and that performance was now above target; outlined the current position with the regard to the post diagnostic support available; and the work that been undertaken to reduce waiting times. 


RESOLVED – (a)  That the impact of Cancer on Darlington and the inequalities in the distribution of cancers and outcomes, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That the improvement work underway, including work to improve access to screening and early diagnosis and treatment, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.


REASONS – (a)  Cancer is a significant contributor to premature mortality in Darlington.


(b)  There are significant inequalities in incidence, prevalence and outcomes for cancer in Darlington.


(c)  Improvements in cancer performance will improve outcomes and contribute to reducing premature mortality for Darlington residents.


Supporting documents: