Agenda item

Variation to Hackney Carriage Fares

Report of the Group Director of Services


The Group Director of Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to give consideration to an application from the trade for an increase in hackney carriage tariffs.


It was reported that following consultation and taking into consideration the changing dynamics within the taxi trade due to the Covid-19 pandemic,  three options for potential changes had been proposed by representatives of the trade; a fourth option being for the  tariffs to remain unchanged.


Section 65 of The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 provides for a District Council to fix the rates of fares for Hackney Carriage Vehicles (HCV).  It may fix the fares on time as well as distance and any other charges that may be made in connection with the hiring of the vehicle.


It was also reported that the last increase in hackney carriage tariffs was in 2012 and the responses from the trade to the four options were outlined in the submitted report.


Mr Nevison and Mr Volkman, representatives of the taxi trade, attended the meeting and gave their views on the options presented in the submitted report and highlighted the recent difficulties experienced by the taxi trade, particularly in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Members discussed the three options for potential change presented and in doing so acknowledged the balance between the needs of the taxi trade to increase the hackney carriage tariff with the impact on the public.  Members also considered the

table of fares that had been prepared and appended to the submitted report using data from taxi trade magazine Private Hire Monthly to highlight comparative fares for a two mile daytime journey for each of the 12 north-east local authorities.


RESOLVED – (a) That Members of this General Licensing Committee agree to increase the tariff applied to hackney carriages.


(b) That Members approve Option 2 and that be subject to the statutory consultation process by way of advertisement.


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