Agenda item

Crisis Service Changes

Presentation by the Director of Operations County Durham and Darlington, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust


The Director of Operations, Durham and Darlington, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust provided Members with an update on the Crisis and Home Treatment Team.


Members were informed that the Durham and Darlington teams were merged in 2019 following redesign work; the teams were relocated to a base in Bishop Auckland; reference was made to the purpose of the merger; and the purposes of the crisis and home treatment team were outlined.


It was reported that the model had been revised; implementation of the revised model and ongoing quality improvement work commenced in July 2021; the revised model consisted of a hub and spoke model, with a central access point at Bishop Auckland Hospital and two locality cells, one based at Lanchester Road Hospital and the other at West Park Hospital.


Details were provided of the current challenges, including increased referrals and high staff turnover and sickness; and these challenges provided opportunity to review the model and further develop and refine the service. Members were informed that a restructure in the Trust was ongoing which would bring together all crisis services across Durham and Darlington and the Tees Valley and it was suggested an update on the restructure be provided at a future meeting.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

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