Presentation by Assistant Director Housing and Revenue
The Communications and Engagement Co-Ordinator gave a presentation (previously circulated) updating Members on the Customer Engagement Strategy 2021-2024.
Details were provided of the aims of the customer engagement strategy 2021-2024; that four priorities were in place to deliver the aims, Priority 1- providing the right information, Priority 2 - listening to our tenants, Priority 3 - making decisions with our tenants and Priority 4 - maximizing scrutiny and accountability of the service; and the work undertaken to date for each priority was outlined.
It was reported that engagement with tenants on building safety, including fire assessment, electrical safety and gas safety, was hugely important and there was a need to change how this information was communicated; engagement with tenants would be undertaken via Tenants Panel, surveys and Mystery Shopper to identify how best to communicate building safety information; and role of the Tenants Panel was outlined.
Reference was made to the effects of Covid-19 on the Council’s plans; and work planned for the next 12 months was outlined and included setting up Engagement Champion programme for tenants, improvements to the Council’s website, introduction of a new Housing Management Policy and a review of the Anti-social behaviour policy and increased customer surveys to gather feedback from tenants.
Discussion ensued regarding engagement with those on the housing waiting list; the Assistant Director Housing and Revenues advised Members that direct engagement would be undertaken as part of the Strategic Housing Needs Assessment.
RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.
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