Agenda item

Performance Indicators - Quarter 2 2021/22

Report of Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues, Assistant Director – Community Services and Director of Public Health


The  Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues, Assistant Director – Community

Services and Director of Public Health submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with performance data against key performance indicators for Quarter 2 2021/22.


It was reported that 36 indicators were reported to this Scrutiny Committee, six Housing and Culture indicators and twenty four Public Health indicators.


At Quarter 2, data was available for nine of the twelve Housing and Culture indicators. It was noted that two indicators had targets to be compared against, HBS 013 – Rent arrears of current tenants in the financial year as a % of rent debit (GNPI 34) which was showing performance better than target; and HBS 016 – Rent collected as a proportion of rents owed on HRA dwellings* including arrears which was showing performance not as good as the target; and that, of the nine indicators with data available, six indicators were showing an improved performance compared to the same point in the previous year, which included two culture indicators CUL 030 – Total number of visits to the Dolphin Centre (all areas) and CUL 064 – Number of individuals participating in the community sports development programme; whilst three indicators showed a performance not as good as that recorded at the same time in the previous year.


In relation to Public Health indicators it was reported that eight of the twenty-four indicators had new data available at quarter 2 and that four indicators were showing performance better than the previous year whilst four indicators were showing performance not as good as the previous year.


RESOLVED – That the performance data reported for Quarter 2 2021/22 be noted.

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