Report of the Assistant Director, Law and Governance Monitoring Officer
The Assistant Director Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Members on issues relevant to Member standards and ethical governance since the last report to this Audit Committee in September 2021.
The submitted report set out a number of datasets of ethical indicators to assist in monitoring the ethical health of the Council and by reviewing these indicators it is hoped to be able to identify any unusual or significant trends or changes in the volume of data recorded for the relevant period that might provide an alert to any deterioration in the ethical health of the authority.
The submitted report also included commentary for some data sets to give analysis and explanation for some of the more notable variations and it was reported that there were no particular issues of concern that had been identified from reviewing the data.
Discussion ensued regarding complaints against Non-Executive and Executive Borough Councillors.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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