Agenda item

Units 4 And 5, Red Barnes Way, Darlington, DL1 2RR


22/00008/FUL - Change of Use from storage (unit 4) and former car valeting bay (unit 5) to car MOT station and repairs (sui generis), including demolition of dividing wall to create single unit and alterations to doors on northeast elevation.


(In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), three letters of representation received highlighting concerns around car parking and congestion on the private road, and the views of the Applicant, one Supporter and one Objector, whom the Committee heard).


RESOLVED – That Planning Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1. A3 Implementation Limit (Three Years)

The development hereby permitted shall be commenced not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON – To accord with the provisions of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan, as detailed below:-

Drawing Number:-


  • 63/P100 - Existing Floor Plans
  • 63/P200 - Existing Elevations
  • 63/P300 - Proposed Floor Plans
  • 63/P400 - Proposed Elevations

REASON – To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the planning permission.


Supporting documents: