Agenda item

Vulnerable Pupil Panel Review

Report of the Assistant Director of Education and Inclusion


The Assistant Director of Education and Inclusion submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise Members on the work and impact of the Darlington Vulnerable Pupil Panel (VPP), the multi-agency panel of which the Local Authority is a part.


It was reported that the Panel was created in 2019 to replace the previous arrangements of the School Behaviour and Attendance Partnership and since its inception has formed a dynamic multi-agency partnership which aims to avoid children disengaging from education due to any cause.


It was also reported that the Panel had seen a reduction in permanent exclusion and persistence absence had improved to 9.8 per cent and was 0.7 per cent better than above the national figure for all pupils and 17.1  per cent for disadvantaged pupils which was now 2.9 per cent better than the national figure and the work of the Panel had shown a reduction in the gap between all children and vulnerable groups.


Members of this Scrutiny were currently undertaking a review of the Vulnerable Pupil Panel and it was reported that as part of that Review Members had met with some members of the Parent Carer Forum on 16 March 2022 and discussed any issues and concerns.


Members discussed the overall attendance of the VPP; membership of the Panel which included the headteacher of every primary, secondary and special school, a number of other organisations/local partner agencies and various officers from the authority including the Lead Member for Childrens’ Services; and how the VPP operated on a case referral basis and how any partner could refer a children for consideration.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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