Agenda item

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Replacement Camera Programme

Report of the Group Director of Services.


The Cabinet Member with the Stronger Communities Portfolio introduced the report of the Group Director of Services (previously circulated) outlining the outcome of a review of the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system and requesting that consideration be given to the release of capital funding to upgrade the analogue cameras and transmission equipment to improve the quality and efficiency of the system.


The submitted report stated that the Council operated a Public Space CCTV system throughout the Borough which primarily supported the Council Plan objectives of keeping the Borough safe; the network was linked to a control centre where the range of services provided had developed over the years, including the development of effective partnership working with the Police and other statutory agencies; since the introduction of the system in the 1990’s the system had developed and grown with cameras installed at strategic locations to help reduce crime and had expanded from a 30-camera system to 122 public space cameras; and that the recent success in Safer Streets funding rounds had enabled further development of systems and initiatives to help keep the Borough safe to create the conditions and outcomes in the Council Plan.


Particular references were made to the key action in the Council Plan to review the CCTV system, which identified the need to replace 74 older analogue cameras that were obsolete, and to the review, that had identified an efficiency opportunity, to move to a wireless network, to replace the leased fibre circuits which would achieve a financial saving that could be reinvested to part fund the proposals.


It was reported that the Community Safety team had built a strong partnerships with the Police; the system was not just a critical tool to help deliver Council priorities but also contributes to all four key actions in the Police and Crime Plan, Prevent, Protect, Deter and Pursue; and that the Police and Crime Commissioner had given an in principal agreement to contribute £25,000 a year for 10 years to the project in recognition of the outcomes CCTV provided to the community.


References were made at the meeting to the cameras at North Park and Stanhope Park; whether the replacement cameras would have voice control; and to their use in preventing and stopping anti-social behaviour.  The Cabinet Member with the Stronger Communities Portfolio responded thereon.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the contents of the report be noted.


(b)  That capital of £513,500, be released, to undertake the upgrades to the CCTV system, as outlined in the submitted report.


REASON – To replace the poor quality remaining analogue cameras and update the transmission network to assist in the detection of crime and anti-social behaviour.

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