Agenda item

County Durham and Darlington Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation and Recovery service: Reprovision of Primrose Lodge, Chester le Street inpatient service - Update

Report of the Director of Mental Health and Learning Disability, Durham Tees Valley Partnership and the Director of Operations County Durham and Darlington, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust


The Director of Mental Health and Learning Disability, Durham Tees Valley Partnership and the Director of Operations County Durham and Darlington, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members of the outcome of the further targeted engagement to support the proposal to relocate Primary Lodge Inpatient Rehabilitation and Recovery unit from Chester le Street to Shildon.


The submitted report stated that an initial paper was presented to this Scrutiny Committee in January, explaining the rationale for the change, the engagement that had taken place up to that point and the plan to undertake further targeted engagement in February and March before finalising the relocation.


The report outlined the key factors for the change; the targeted engagement plan which included a briefing document and bespoke surveys for service users, families, carers and referring organisations; and two forums were held to explain the proposal further and seek direct feedback.


Reference was made to the survey responses; the average rating for the proposal was 3.9, with 5 being fully support the proposal, with recognition and support of the importance of an improved environment of the Shildon unit and the ability of the staff to continue to support service users recovery. The engagement identified concerns regarding the bed reduction from 15 to eight beds, however this would be safely and effectively managed through a phased bed reduction; and overall there was a high level of rated support for the proposal.


Following a question, Members were informed that significant investment into community mental health services would help service users transition into the community.


RESOLVED   (a) That the report, detailing the outcome of the targeted engagement to support the proposal to re-provide the Primrose Lodge unit from Chester le Street to Shildon with a reduction from 15 to 8 beds, be received.


(b) That the proposal and relocation of the inpatient rehabilitation service to Shildon, be supported.

Supporting documents: