Presentation by the Director of Operations and Transformation (CAMHS and Learning Disability services) Durham Tees Valley, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust
The Director of Operations and Transformation (CAMHS and Learning Disability services) Durham Tees Valley, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust gave a presentation (previously circulated) updating Members on the children and young people’s services for Darlington.
It was reported that there five key areas of the work programme, Keeping in touch (KIT), Waits, Staffing, Caseload and case management and Training; the Trust had moved to a nationally recommended framework, i-THRIVE, a whole system and evidenced-based approach in supporting families with their emotional wellbeing and mental health needs; the key components of the framework were outlined and it was noted the framework draws a clear distinction between treatment and support. Members were informed that 1 in 6 young people have mental health needs, of these 30 per cent would require advice, 60 per cent would require ‘Getting Help’ and 5-10 per cent would require ‘Getting more Help’ and/or ‘Risk Support’.
Details were provided of the work being undertaken to deliver the i-THRIVE framework; and reference was made to the actions response to the concerns raised by the CQC.
Details were also provided of the wait times to assessment and treatment for non-neuro referrals; wait time for specialist neuro assessment; and the next steps were outlined, including work with partners to further embed i-Thrive, work to develop the upstream offer to families and schools to reduce demand for specialist neurodevelopmental assessments and embed mental health practitioners into primary care networks to enhance the whole system offer.
Members raised a number of concerns regarding the service, including staffing shortages, impact of wait times on children’s education, the perceived lack of follow up and lack of support after a diagnosis. The Director of Operations and Transformation (CAMHS and Learning Disability services) advised Members that the service was only commissioned to undertake the assessments and once a young person had a diagnosis they would not have any input from the service unless there was a co-existing mental health need; that staffing shortages were being addressed in the short term through the relocation of staff to support Darlington and that detailed workforce planning was being undertaken; and the roll out of mental health support teams to provide school based support, early help and prevention would create capacity in ‘Getting more Help’ teams to meet the needs of the more complex and risky cases. The service also worked closely with the voluntary and community sector in supporting young people. Members were assured that the KIT process had been evaluated and that a child’s need and risk level determined how often KIT contact was.
Members requested further information regarding waiting list figures, national target for wait times and it was suggested that the work of this service be reported in to the Cross Party Autism Working Group.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Director of Operations and Transformation (CAMHS and Learning Disability services) Durham Tees Valley, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust, be thanked for her informative presentation.
(b) That a written response to Members questions be provided by the Director of Operations and Transformation (CAMHS and Learning Disability services) Durham Tees Valley, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust.
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