Agenda item

Health and Safety Compliance in Council Housing

Presentation by the Assistant Director, Housing and Revenues


The Assistant Director Housing and Revenues gave a presentation (previously circulated) updating Members on Health and Safety Compliance in Council Housing.


The presentation outlined the performance results for 2021/22 in relation to Asbestos, electrical safety, fire regulatory reform audits, gas safety and legionella.


It was reported that there was 100 per cent compliance for both the asbestos programme for 2021/22 and the asbestos management surveys 2021/22. It was also reported that of the 890 electrical installation condition report checks due to be completed, 611, which equated to 68.7 per cent had been completed; the performance had been significantly impacted due to Covid, however the terms of the new tenancy agreement would enable the Council to issue tenancy breach notices should access not be permitted. Members also noted that all 19 of the sheltered, extra care and community centres were within compliance.


In relation to Fire Regulatory Reform Audits, Members were informed that performance in relation to sheltered schemes had been significantly impacted by a number of factors including Covid; and that compliance was at 66.6 per cent. However, out of the six sheltered schemes not audited in 2021-22, three had now been completed and three were due for completion in July. In relation to blocks of flats, of the 73 blocks due for risk assessment, 100 per cent had been completed on time.


Reference was made to Gas Safety, Members noted that of the 4977 properties due a service, 4967 had been completed; that of those 10 remaining, only three were outstanding in 2021/22 and these had now been completed; and that the target of 99.5 per cent had been exceeded, with 99.8 per cent achieved. Members also noted that there was 100 per cent compliance for legionella risk assessments for sheltered accommodation.


Following a question, the Housing Team Leader – Repairs and Maintenance informed Members of the mechanisms in place to inform tenants of upcoming checks; and details were provided of the new MOT process that was in place.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

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