Report of the Assistant Director, Housing and Revenues
The Assistant Director Housing and Revenues submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the draft Housing Services Anti-Social Behaviour Policy 2022-2026 (also previously circulated) prior to Cabinet on 6 September 2022.
The submitted report stated that the Housing Services Anti-Social Behaviour Policy 2022-2026 sets out how the Council will deal with reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) and hate crime; the Tenants Panel had been consulted, with proposals receiving overwhelming support; and details were provided of the areas covered within the policy.
It was reported that one of the four statutory Consumer Standards set by the Regulator of Social Housing was the Neighbourhood and Community Standard; and that this standard set expectations for registered providers to publish a policy on how to work with relevant partners to prevent and tackle ASB.
Details were provided of the role of the two full time tenancy enforcement officers employed by Housing Services; and the performance in relation to reports of ASB to Housing Services was outlined. It was reported that 2.7 per cent of all calls received by Housing Services in 2021/22 related to ASB; that cases were opened for 370 reports; the main reason for reports of ASB was noise nuisance; and 21 Notices of Seeking Possession/Notices of Possession Proceedings were issued.
It was reported that the Tenants Panel were consulted in May 2022 and overall supported the proposed policy; and examples of the Panel’s comments were outlined.
Discussion ensued regarding the definition of ASB and links between the Council and Housing Associations.
RESOLVED – That Cabinet be advised that the Health and Housing Scrutiny Committee supports the onward submission of the draft Housing Services Anti-Social Behaviour Policy 2022-2026 to Cabinet for approval.
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