Agenda item

Museum Accreditation Policies

Report of the Group Director of Services.


The Cabinet Member with the Local Services Portfolio introduced the report of the Group Director of Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the Head of Steam Forward Plan 2022/24, the Collections Management Framework 2022/27 and Access Policy and Plan 2022/24 (all also previously circulated) ahead of submission to Arts Council England for the re-accreditation of Museum status.


The submitted report stated that the museum was due to submit an Accreditation Return in 2023/24, whilst the museum was undergoing redevelopment, and that the return must include commitments to standards, quality, accessibility and forward planning.  To meet those commitments, the following documents were produced, namely:- the Head of Steam Forward Plan 2022/24, which outlined the vision for the museum service for the next two years; the Head of Steam Collections Management Framework 2022/27, which included the museum’s policy for developing its collections, its documentation policy and its care and conservation policy; and the Head of Steam Access Policy and Plan 2022/24, which outlined the museum’s commitment is to accessibility for all visitors.


RESOLVED  -  That the Head of Steam Forward Plan 2022/24, Head of Steam Collections Management Framework 2022/27 and Head of Steam Access Policy and Plan 2022/24, all as appended to the submitted report, be approved, in preparation for submission to the Arts Council England for Museum Accreditation.


REASONS  -  (a)  To prove effective and professional management of Darlington’s Museum Service so that the museum remains an accredited museum and entitled to future support from the Arts Council England (Central Government Body).

(b)  To be eligible for future funding from external bodies, e.g. Arts Council England, English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund.


(c)  To be eligible for future loans from other museums, e.g. The National Railway Museum.


(d)  To ensure that the museum remains registered and complies with the standards and ethics as set out by the Museums Association.

Supporting documents: