Agenda item

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPD) Design Code - Burtree Garden Village

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise that the finalised Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Design Code Greater Faverdale (Burtree Garden Village) Design Code, with a revised text after consultation, was now ready to be approved and adopted by Council as Council Planning Policy, following approval by Cabinet on 5 July 2022.  Members were informed that this would form part of the Development Plan and be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.


The submitted report stated that, at its meeting on 8 March 2022, Cabinet had agreed that the Draft Greater Faverdale (Burtree Garden Village) Design Code SPD should be published for wider consultation. It was reported that the Draft SPD Greater Faverdale (Burtree Garden Village) Design Code had been produced for the Council by DesignNE in coherence with the National Planning Policy Framework changes in July 2021 and in particular the National Model Design Code.


The submitted report outlined that the consultation took place between 6 April 2022 and 6 May 2022, and returned ten separate responses, which were summarised in the table at Appendix 1 of the submitted report.


Based on the responses and validity of the comments, the Planning Policy team had changed the context of the SPD in several places and asked DesignNE to prepare a final version to be sent to Cabinet and Council for approval and adoption.


RESOLVED – (a)That the comments and changes of the Draft Burtree Garden Village Design Code, based on the consultation period, as appended at Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be noted.


(b) That the SPD for Burtree Garden Village Design Code, as appended at Appendix 2 of the submitted report, be adoptedas Council Planning Policy.


REASON - The Council has followed the National Planning Policy Framework(NPPF) and the Inspectors final report to convert the Greater Faverdale (Burtree Garden Village) Design Code into an SPD and Council Planning Policy within 6 months after adopting of the Darlington Local Plan 2016-36.


Supporting documents: