Verbal update by Stronger Communities Portfolio Holder
The Member with Portfolio for Stronger Communities provided a verbal update on the Stronger Communities Board and Sub Groups, and in doing so advised Members that following the formal winding up of the Darlington Partnership in 2021, new arrangements for engaging public, private and voluntary sectors had been proposed by the Leader of the Council.
It was reported that a Public Sector Executives Group (PSEG) had been put in place for Senior Officer engagement with public sector agencies, and that it was proposed that a ‘Stronger Communities Board’ be established. Members were advised that the Board would bring together civic leaders from the different sectors in town and would include representation from governing bodies, as opposed to solely Senior Officers.
The Member with Portfolio for Stronger Communities stated that the purpose of the Board was to unite behind common goals and foster collaboration, and that by including representation of governing bodies the intention was to provide fuller commitment from agencies, and provide a strong mandate for groups such as the Public Sector Executives Group.
Members were informed that the launch of the Stronger Communities Board was scheduled for November 2022, at which time the Levelling Up Darlington Plan would also be launched. The Member with Portfolio for Stronger Communities outlined the three priorities in the Levelling Up Darlington Plan, which were Quality Jobs (and in particular access to jobs for unemployed and underemployed residents of deprived communities); Access to Opportunities for Young People; and Reducing Health Inequalities.
RESOLVED – That the content of the update be noted.