Report of the Assistant Director Community Services and Assistant Director Highways and Capital Projects
The Assistant Director Community Services and Assistant Director Highways and Capital Projects submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Members with an update on performance against those key performance indicators within the remit of this Scrutiny Committee for the period 2021/22.
It was reported that of the 35 indicators reported to this Scrutiny Committee, 25 were reported six monthly and ten were reported annually.
The submitted report gave the performance position in relation to the 35 indicators, of which 12 were showing performance better than the same period last year or from when last reported, two indicators were showing performance the same, whilst nine indicators were showing performance not as good as the same period last year or from when last reported; and that 12 indicators did not have comparative information from last year.
Members entered into discussion on the communications and social media output in relation to the lack of emptying of litter and dog bins, which had arisen due to staff absenteeism and sickness, and a resulting lack of local knowledge, with an acceptance that messaging could have been better. Members also suggested the use of the ‘What Three Word’ app to identify litter and dog bins, the provision of additional bins, an increase in the capacity of bins, additional signage requesting that residents take their litter home with them if bins are full, and an additional option to report full bins on the Darlington app.
Members also expressed concern over the disposal of single use vapes as an issue, and the lack of prosecutions for fly-tipping, although it was highlighted that prosecutions were now resuming following the pandemic period.
RESOLVED – That the content of the submitted report be noted.
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