Agenda item

Consultation on Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPD)

Report of the Chief Executive.


The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Chief Executive (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress of Skerningham Garden Village Design Code (also previously circulated) and requesting that consideration be given to commencing public consultation on the Design Code.


The submitted report stated that the adopted Darlington Local Plan 2016/36 (Darlington Local Plan) required the Council to progress with the creation and adoption of Supplementary Planning Policy Documents (SPD’s) based on Design Codes for both Burtree and Skerningham Garden Communities; the Burtree Garden Village SPD had been adopted in 2022; work had been progressing on the completion of the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code; the Design Code would be formally consulted upon with the aim of adopting the Design Code as an SPD following the consultation feedback; and that once approved as the Council’s SPD Policy, it would be used as material consideration in the planning application process, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework changes introduced in July 2021 and in particular the National Model Design.


It was reported that the development of the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code has been led independently by DesignNE who had carried out extensive public consultation in the completion of the document; the Design Code process for Skerningham Garden Village had been recognised by the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) as a Second Phase Pathfinder; and the engagement process was a National Pilot which would set an approach to be adopted by other local authorities in England on the development of design codes across the country.


A number of questions were asked and points were made about future development at Skerningham A number of questions were asked and points were made about the Design Code, including whether further work was needed on it before commencing a consultation.  Concern was expressed at the meeting on the application of the ‘Traffic Light’ system proposed as part of the assessment process, with a request for more information on how the Design Quality Coding Checklist would work, what constitutes a pass or fail  and a plea that greater clarity be provided in the Design Code document. How the Council would ensure that the Design Code would be adhered to was raised, and what consideration was being given to the financial perspective. The location of the new football stadium was raised. The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio responded thereon.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the progress and content of the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code, as appended to the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That the commencement of public consultation on the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code, be approved.


REASON - The Council must follow the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Inspectors report to convert Skerningham Garden Village Design Code into a Supplementary Planning Policy Document as part of the Darlington Local Plan 2016/36.


NOTE: Pursuant to Minute C173 above, Members heard three verbal representations and one written representation from members of the public in consideration of this item.

Supporting documents: