Agenda item

Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy 2022/23

Report of the Audit and Risk Manager


The Audit and Risk Manager submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise Members of the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Arrangements for the period 2022/23.


It was reported that estimates suggested that in excess of £300m is lost to fraud in local government and it was imperative to ensure the funds Councils have are not being lost to fraudsters.


The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) take the lead on providing advice and guidance to the sector on managing the fraud risk and also co-ordinate annual surveys of fraudulent activity detected across local government; they also published a Code of Practice on Managing the Risk of Fraud and Corruption in October 2014 containing five distinctive strands.


It was also reported that the 2022/23 Strategy (appended to the submitted report) had been developed in line with the code of practice with each of the five themes addressed and the format of the strategy had been redefined from previous versions to improve the visual appeal of the strategy and make it more effective.


The submitted report also gave an update on the actions identified in the 2021/22 Strategy.


RESOLVED – That the 2022/23 Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy be noted.


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