Report of the Group Director of Operations
The Group Director of Operations submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise Members of the re-appointment of representatives for Other Religious Faiths (Group A) and the resignation of Rev Paul Baker, Church of England (Group B) representative.
It was also reported that Dean Lythgoe, the Head teacher of St. Aidan’s Academy had offered to fill the current vacancy in Group C for a representative of the Association of School and College Leaders.
IT WAS AGREED – (a) That the re-appointment of the named representatives for the Catholic Church, the Jewish Community and the Sikh Temple be noted and that membership be for a period of four years
(b) That the resignation of Rev Paul Baker be noted and that thanks of this SACRE be extended to Rev Baker for his valued contribution to the Committee since his appointment.
(c) That the appointment of Dean Lythgoe as the named representative for the Association of School and College Leaders be noted and that membership be for a period of four years.
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