Report of the joint REC/NASACRE LAN Pilot Project 2020/21 – to giver further consideration to a formal response.
Submitted – for further discussion the Still Standing Report on future directions for SACRE’s, a report on the joint Religious Education Council (REC)/ National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (NASACRE) LAN Pilot Project 2020-21 November 2021.
It was reported that the aim of the project which ran from May 2020 to June 2-21 was to test out the recommendations of the Commission on RE regarding SACRE’s.
Anne Davison commented on two areas of the document for discussion relating to the recommendation for wider remit of SACRE however without funding streams there is limited funding available to SACRE as most funding is delegated to schools directly and also the change of schools as most move to Academies.
Members discussed the document (previously circulated) with a view to a formal response and requested that assurance be sought from the Group Director of People that the level of support currently to SACRE remain the same.
With regard to the future direction of SACRE Members discussed ways to promote the work of this SACRE and to involve SACRE members in community events and Inter Faith Events; how to promote a wider understanding of the work of the SACRE in schools and with RE leads; and a proposal for SACRE meetings to be carried out within schools to enable RE Leads to attend and share their experiences of RE.
IT WAS AGREED – That the Still Standing report be noted.
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