Agenda item

The Independent Person

Report of the Assistant Director, Law and Governance, Monitoring Officer


The Assistant Director Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise Members of the recently vacated Independent Person role, and to invite Members to approve the appointments as set out in the recommendations.


The submitted report stated that the former Independent Person had been appointed as a circuit judge and had advised that she would no longer be able to discharge the Independent Person role. The submitted report provided further details of the role and set out the recruitment process undertaken.


It was reported that the Council is required to have at least one Independent Person, however, for reasons outlined in the report, the recommendation was to make two appointments.


RESOLVED - (a) That the recruitment process undertaken to fill the vacated Independent Person role be noted;


(b) That the appointment of two Independent Persons on the terms of appointment as set out in the report be agreed;


(c) That the appointment of Beverley Boal and Julie Mathieson as Independent Persons from 30 September 2022, be approved;


(d) That the thanks of the Council be given to the former Independent Person, Joanne Kidd, for her service in the role and to congratulate her on her appointment as a circuit judge.

REASONS - (a) To make appointments to the role occasioned by former office holder vacating the role;


(b) To help in promoting the good conduct of Members in the Council and the Parish Councils;


(c) To comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.

Supporting documents: