Agenda item

Learning and Skills Annual Report 2021/22

Report of the Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion


The Assistant Director of Education and Inclusion submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an annual update on the performance of the Learning and Skills Service for the academic year 2021/22; and to allow Scrutiny members an opportunity to challenge the performance of this externally funded service.

The submitted report provided details of the Learning and Skills Service; learner numbers; funding information; performance data; learner progression data; learner and employer satisfaction rates; observation of learning, teaching and assessment; the impact of covid on the service; the Ofsted inspection outcome; and the challenges ahead.


It was highlighted that the pandemic had impacted on the Learning and Skills service and  delivery and still continued to do so by impacting both learner numbers and subsequent income although staff had responded magnificently and continued to deliver a successful transition to online teaching and learning when needed.


It was also reported that the service’s aim was to grow provision whilst continuing to respond to employer and community need; and the service was inspected by Ofsted in June 2022 retaining its assessment of ‘Good’ overall.


Members discussed in particular the work being undertaken by the Tees Valley Combined Authority skills strategy ‘Inspiring our Future’ to examine skills need and flexibility around funding to develop skills; the skills shortages in certain areas of business including catering and retail; the reluctance from young people to take up apprenticeships and the impact of removal of the Level 2 qualification; the effect of larger businesses in the town on the overall recruitment issues; encouraging young people to engage; the Tees Valley initiative to encourage businesses to plan and invest in training for their existing employees, including contingency planning; the Government White Paper ‘Skills for jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth’ published in January 2021 aimed at reviewing further education funding systems; and the Youth Friendly Darlington webpage and press release to reduce youth unemployment.


RESOLVED – That the annual report be noted.


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