Consideration was given to membership changes of the Committees, Subsidiary Bodies and Other Bodies for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2018/19.
RESOLVED – (a) That Councillor Cossins replace Councillor Crumbie on the Efficiency and Resources Scrutiny Committee;
(b) That Councillor Crumbie be removed from the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, leaving the seat vacant (Labour Member appointment);
(c) That Councillor Crumbie replace Councillor Harker on the Combined Fire Authority;
(d) That Councillor Crumbie replace Councillor S. Richmond as the Combined Fire Authority’s Appointee to the Local Government Association;
(e) That Councillor Crumbie replace Councillor Harker on the Police and Crime Panel;
(f) That Councillor Heslop replace Councillor McEwan on the Planning Applications Committee;
(g) That Councillor Mrs. Culley replace Councillor Marshall on the Place Scrutiny Committee;
(h) That Councillor Donoghue replace Councillor Mrs. Culley on the Adults and Housing Scrutiny Committee;
(i) That Councillor Marshall replace Councillor Coultas on the Efficiency and Resources Scrutiny Committee;
(j) That Councillor Marshall replace Councillor Coultas on the Appraisal Sub-Group;
(k) That Councillor Marshall replace Councillor Coultas as Councillor Johnson’s Named Substitute on the Tees Valley Combined Authority’s Audit and Governance Committee;
(l) That Councillor Mrs. H. Scott replace Councillor Coultas on the Town Centre Board;
(m) That Councillor K. Nicholson replace Councillor Donoghue on the General Licensing Committee;
(n) That Councillor Mrs. D. Jones be removed from the Planning Applications Committee, leaving the seat vacant (Independent Member appointment); and
(o) That the Assistant Director, Law and Governance, be authorised to make any consequential amendments to the Constitution occasioned by Councillor Crumbie’s appointment to Cabinet.