Report of the Director, Darlington Partnerships
The Director, Darlington Partnerships submitted a report (previously circulated) summarising the Cost of Living Support leaflet, including its purpose and how it can be used.
It was reported that that leaflet was initially compiled in 2020 to provide information on services available to residents during the covid-19 pandemic; was updated in April 2022 to provide additional information for Ukrainian guests, including immigration support services and contacts for benefits and claims; and would become a signposting document for diverse use across the Local Authority and partners.
Members were informed that the leaflet would be made available on the Council’s website and would be constantly updated.
Members entered into a discussion regarding The Bread and Butter Thing; Members noted the limited operating hours for the service and queried whether these could be reviewed. The Director, Darlington Partnerships assured Members that the operators were conscious of this issue however there may be cost implications associated with addressing this. Members were informed that despite rising costs, the price of the service had remained at £7.50 for a family order.
Discussion ensued regarding accessibility of the leaflet; Members were advised that the details of a number of organisations in the leaflet would be included in the next article of One Darlington and it was suggested that Members include details of key contacts in their newsletters.
RESOLVED – That the submitted report be received for information.
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