The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise members that an objection has been received in respect of Tree Preservation Order Number 2022 no.08. The objection relates to this order which covers one mature Birch Tree (Betula spp) growing within the front garden.
The submitted report stated that Tree Preservation Order 2022 no. 08 was made on 15 September 2022 on one mature Birch Tree growing within the front garden of 23 Merrybent, Darlington, under powers derived from section 198(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The Tree Preservation Order was made due to the possibility that the tree may at some point be damaged by unacceptable pruning. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority it is considered expedient to protect the tree by the making of a Tree Preservation Order as due to its reasonable form and condition and location to the front of the property it contributes to the amenity of the surrounding area.
It was reported that an objection had been received from a neighbour at 21A Merrybent on the grounds that the tree to be protected is a single tree which is not considered to contributeto the overall visual amenity of this area and that there are many similar trees along in the vicinity of equal quality which are not protected; and that the placing of the order may hinder the objector’s current planning appeal in respect of the erection of a garage to the front of their property.
RESOLVED – That the TPO be confirmed without modification.
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