Agenda item

Membership Changes - To consider any membership changes to Committees, Subsidiary Bodies and Other Bodies.


Consideration was given to membership changes of the Committees, Subsidiary Bodies and Other Bodies for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2022/23.


RESOLVED – (a) That Councillor Mrs. D. Jones be appointed to the vacancy on the Communities and Local Services Scrutiny Committee;


(b) That Councillor Willis be appointed to the vacancy on the Climate Change Working Group;


(c) That that Councillor Sowerby replace Councillor Bell on the Health and Housing Scrutiny Committee;


(d) That Councillor Haszeldine replace Councillor Lister on the Planning Applications Committee;


(e) That Councillor McEwan replace Councillor Crumbie on the Combined Fire Authority, the Combined Fire Authority’s Audit and Finance Committee and the Combined Fire Authority’s HR Committee.