Agenda item

Performance Indicators - Quarter 2 2022/2023

Report of the Assistant Director Community Services and Assistant Director Highways and Capital Projects


The Assistant Director Community Services and Assistant Director Highways and Capital Projects submitted a report (previously circulated) together with detailed performance scorecards (also previously circulated) advising Members of the Quarter 2 performance against those key indicators for 2022/2023 which were within the remit of this Scrutiny Committee.


It was reported that of the 25 indicators that were reported six monthly at quarter 2, seventeen were showing performance better than the same period in the previous year; one indicator was showing performance the same; five indicators were showing performance not as good as the same period in the previous year; one indicator did not have comparative information from last year due to Coronavirus restrictions; and one indicator was unavailable.


Of the ten indicators that were collected annually, two had information available and of these, TCP 202 – % of non principal roads where maintenance should be considered (B and C class) was showing performance better than the previous year, whilst TCP 200 –  % of principal roads where maintenance should be considered (A class) was showing performance not as good as the previous year.


Following a question Members were advised that data for TCP 101 – Bus Punctuality for 2021/2022 was delayed; and discussion ensued regarding the performance of Head of Steam and anticipated visits, noting that a robust business plan was in place that would ensure the site achieved its expected income.


Members requested performance information in respect of the library digital offer; following a question, Members were informed of the process for prosecuting fly tips; and Members agreed that the indicator REG – 803 Trading Standards : % of high risk inspections carried out, be reported to this scrutiny committee on an annual basis.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be noted.


(b) That the indicator REG – 803 Trading Standards : % of high risk inspections carried out, be reported to this Scrutiny Committee on an annual basis.

Supporting documents: