Agenda item

West Newbiggin Farm, Norton Back Lane, Sadberge, Darlington, DL2 1SU


22/00135/FUL - Conversion, alteration and extensions of existing agricultural buildings to form 9 no. dwellings (2 no. 3 bed, 5 no. 4 bed, 2 no. 5 bed) including demolition of former piggeries and outbuildings, erection of 3 no. detached garage blocks, formation of hardstanding, landscaping and other associated works (Revised Scheme) (Additional LLFA info received 27th April 2022) (Nitrate assessment received 28th April 2022) (Amended remediation strategy received 4th May 2022).


(In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), the views of the Council’s Highway Engineer, the Council Environmental Health Officer, the Historic Environment Record Officer, the Local Lead Flood Authority, the Environment Agency; the objections of East and West Newbiggin Parish Meeting, three letters of objection received, and the views of the Applicant and one Resident, whom the Committee heard).


RESOLVED – That Planning Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A3 (Standard 3-year time limit)


2.      PL (Accordance with Plan)

3807/1 Landscape plan

L019038 - 101 REV E Proposed site layout plan (roof plans)

L019038 - 102 REV E Proposed site layout plan (ground floor)

L019038 - 105 REV B Proposed floor plans units 2, 3 and 4

L019038 - 106 REV A Proposed elevations sheet 1 of 2

L019038 - 107 REV A Proposed elevations sheet 2 of 2

L019038 - 108 REV B Proposed floor plans unit 5

L019038 - 109 REV B Proposed elevations unit 5

L019038 - 110 REV B Proposed floor plans unit 6 and 7

L019038 - 111 REV A Proposed elevations units 6 and 7

L019038 - 112 REV D Proposed floor plans unit 8

L019038 - 113 REV C Proposed elevations unit 8

L019038 - 119 REV A   Proposed floor plans unit 2

L019038 - 120 REV A Proposed floor plans unit 3

L019038 - 121 REV A Proposed floor plans unit 4

L019038 - 126 Proposed bin storage arrangements

L019038 -103 REV A Proposed floor plans and elevations unit 1

L019038 -114 REV A Proposed floor plans unit 9

L019038 -115 REV A Proposed elevations unit 9

L019038-104 Proposed elevations

L019038-118 Garage block proposed

L019038-128 Site plan


3.      No construction or demolition activities, including the use of plant and machinery, as well as deliveries to and from the site, shall take place outside the hours of 08.00-18.00 Monday to Friday, 08.00-14.00 Saturday with no activities on Sunday or Bank/Public Holidays without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.


REASON – In the interests of residential amenity.


4.      The development shall be carried out in full accordance with the submitted Construction Management Plan except in respect of hours of construction of demolition activities and deliveries (including the use of plant and machinery) which shall be in accordance with Condition 3 (above).


REASON – In the interests of highway safety and residential amenity.


5.      The development hereby approved shall not be commenced on site, until a scheme for the implementation, maintenance and management of a Sustainable Surface Water Drainage Scheme has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented and thereafter managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details, the scheme shall include but not be restricted to providing the following details;


I. Detailed design of the surface water management system;

II. A build program and timetable for the provision of the critical surface water drainage infrastructure;

III. A management plan detailing how surface water runoff from the site will be managed during the construction phase;

IV. Details of adoption responsibilities;

V.  Provision for buoyancy aids

VI. Fencing details

VII. Precise details of the location of the pond in relation to the existing public footpath.


REASON - To ensure the site is developed in a manner that will not increase the risk of surface water flooding to site or surrounding area, in accordance with the guidance within Core Strategy Development Plan Policy DC2 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


6.      The development permitted by this planning permission shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Proposed Drainage Strategy Rev B Dated 02nd December 2021 and the following mitigation measures;


- Surface Water Discharge to be restricted to 5 l/s

- 500m3 of storage provided.


The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to the occupation and subsequently in accordance with the timing / phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme, or within any period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority.


REASON - To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage of / disposal of surface water from the site and to reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants.


7.      The buildings hereby approved shall not be brought into use until:-


I.                    Requisite elements of the approved surface water management scheme for the development, or any phase of the development are in place and fully operational to serve said building;


II.                  A Management and maintenance plan of the approved Surface Water Drainage scheme has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, this should include the funding arrangements and cover the lifetime of the development.


REASON - To reduce flood risk and ensure satisfactory long-term maintenance are in place for the lifetime of the development.


8.      The landscaping scheme (drawing number 3807/1)  shall be fully implemented concurrently with the carrying out of the development, or within such extended period as may be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and thereafter any trees or shrubs removed, dying, severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased shall be replaced and the landscaping scheme maintained for a period of five years to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


REASON – To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the site and in the interests of the visual amenities of the area.


9.      The bin storage facilities for the dwellings hereby approved as set out in Drawing number L019038 - 126 shall be provided in accordance with the approved details, prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved.


REASON - In the interests of highway safety and residential amenity.


10.  Prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved, details of the type and location of an Electric Socket suitable for charging electric vehicles for each property with a dedicated garage or parking space, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority .  Thereafter the development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the dwellings and maintained as such thereafter. 


REASON - To accord with Policy IN4 of the Local Plan.


11.  The vehicle passing place on Drawing number L019038 - 127 - REV B “Road Through West Newbiggin” shall be completed in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the first dwelling and shall be retained as such thereafter.


REASON - In the interests of highway safety.


12.  Any contamination not considered in the Phase 3 Remediation and Verification Strategy but identified during subsequent construction/remediation works shall be reported in writing within a reasonable timescale to the Local Planning Authority.   The contamination shall be subject to further risk assessment and remediation proposals agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and the development completed in accordance with any further agreed amended specification of works.


REASON - The site may be contaminated as a result of past or current uses and/or is within 250 metres of a site which has been landfilled. To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future uses of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out without unacceptable risks to receptors, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.


13.  The Phase 3 Remediation and Verification works shall be conducted, supervised and documented by a "suitably competent person(s)" and in accordance with the agreed Phase 3 Remediation and Verification Strategy. No alterations to the agreed Remediation and Verification Strategy or associated works shall be carried out without the prior written agreement of the Local Planning Authority.


A Phase 4 Verification and Completion Report shall be compiled and reported by a "suitably competent person(s)", documenting the purpose, objectives, investigation and risk assessment findings, remediation methodologies, validation results and post remediation monitoring carried out to demonstrate the completeness and effectiveness of all agreed remediation works conducted. The Phase 4 Verification and Completion Report and shall be submitted and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority within 2-months of completion of the development or at a time agreed unless the Local Planning Authority dispenses with the requirement specifically and in writing. 


The development site or agreed phase of development site, shall not be occupied until all of the approved investigation, risk assessment, remediation and verification requirements relevant to the site (or part thereof) have been completed, reported and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON - The site may be contaminated as a result of past or current uses and/or is within 250 metres of a site which has been landfilled. To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future uses of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out without unacceptable risks to receptors, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.


14.  The development shall not be occupied until the post-investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Investigation ‘West Newbiggin Farm Sadberge: Historic Building Recording, Written Schedule of Investigation BRP 21/5a August 2021 (Revised November 2022) (The Bamburgh Research Project Limited).   The provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results, and archive deposition, should be confirmed in writing to, and approved by, the Local Planning Authority.


REASON - To comply with Policy ENV1 and  paragraph 205 of the NPPF, which requires the developer to record and advance understanding of the significance of heritage assets, and to ensure information gathered becomes publicly accessible.


15.  Notwithstanding any details referred to in the submitted plans, prior to the commencement of works relating to each requisite element of the  development the following details shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority:-


i.                    External materials;

ii.           Doors;

iii.          Fences, walls and gates;


The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the approved details.


REASON - To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the development in the interests of visual amenity.


16.  Notwithstanding any details referred to in the submitted plans, prior to the insertion of windows, detailed plans showing the constructional details and materials of all window frames to be used in the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Such plans should indicate, on a scale of not less than 1:20, the longitudinal and cross-sectional detailing, including means of opening, and external reveal. The window frames shall be installed in accordance with the approved detailed plans and thereafter be so maintained.


REASON - In order to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development, in the interests of visual amenity.


17.  No demolition or rebuilding work additional to that specified in the structural reports caried out by The Home Engineers (September 2020) and the submitted application shall be carried out in undertaking the development hereby permitted without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.


REASON – In order that the Local Planning Authority can retain control over the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality.


18.  The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures set out in the submitted Ecological Impact Assessment ‘West Newbiggin Farm PP-19-09’ (Naturally Wild July 2020).


REASON - To provide ecological protection and enhancement in accordance with the Conservation Regulations 2010, Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, NPPF, Policy CS15 of the Core Strategy.’

Supporting documents: