Agenda item

North East Ambulance Service Performance Update

Report and Presentation by Assistant Director – Communications and Engagement, North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust


The Chief Operating Officer and Assistant Director of Communications, North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Members with a performance review for NEAS performance. A presentation accompanied the report.


It was reported that the NHS 111 call triage volume was significantly higher when compared to the previous year; that an additional 10,000 calls were received in October compared with the previous month; that average time to answer calls had increased as a result; and despite call volumes, there had been improved performance when compared to Quarter 1 this year. Members were advised that significant investment had enabled over 100 additional health advisors to manage the increase in call volumes, with an expansion of the Billingham emergency operations centre.


Details were provided for 999 incident volumes, which had seen a significant increase; Members noted that the Category 1 response time target was being met and Tees Valley performance was better than the Trust as a whole; the response time target for Category 2 calls was not being met; and NEAS benchmark performance for all category calls was outlined. Reference was also made to See and Treat rates, with rates across the Tees Valley being higher than the service average.


It was reported that the average hospital handover time for NEAS in October was 30 minutes; that 21 per cent of handovers were completed within the 15 minute target timeframe; and that a pilot scheme in North Tees was looking to reduce unnecessary hospital admission. The patient transport performance was also outlined.


 Members were informed that the Trust had seen an increase in assaults and abuse of staff with alcohol being the main contributing factor; and that measures were in place to protect and support staff.


Discussion ensued regarding the patient transport performance and time on vehicles over 60 minutes; and following a question regarding abuse and violence towards staff, the Chief Operating Officer assured Members that all incidents were reported via an internal reporting system and the range of measures in place to support staff were outlined. Members requested figures for abuse and violence towards staff.


Discussion also ensued regarding patient attendance at hospitals; the impact of handover delays on the outcome of category 1 calls; and following a question Members were informed that a regional deflection process was in place for periods of significant delays. Details were also provided on the management of staff morale, which included the recruitment of a Mental Health Practitioner, access to counselling services and a welfare car to provide support crews during periods of delays for hospital handover.


Following a question regarding resources, the Chief Operating Officer advised Members that funding into the service was adequate, however due to the wider system pressures, a significant increase in staffing numbers would be required to improve the performance of the service. Members suggested that an update regarding funding for the service be provided at a future meeting.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

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