Agenda item

Mid Year Risk Management Update Report 2022/23

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Members on the approach to and outcomes from the Council’s Risk Management processes.

It was reported that Risk Management was an essential part of effective and efficient management and planning and it strengthened the ability of the Council to achieve its objectives and enhance the value of the services provided.


It was also reported that positive progress continues to be made within the Authority regarding the management of key strategic risks and with the work undertaken by officers to manage operational risks.

The submitted report outlined these risks which are plotted on to a standard likelihood and impact matrix with reference to management controls in place and working; and detailed progress made on improvement actions for those risks that had been identified as above the ‘risk appetite line’.   The submitted report also highlighted a number of new risks.


Following a review of the Council’s Risk Management Strategy, the risks plotted on the matrices had now been categorised as Strategic Risks and linked to the relevant objective in the Council Plan, where appropriate; and the revised risk matrices were attached to the submitted report.


Members discussed in particular those risks that were above the risk appetite line and the Chair prosed that Members receive an update on those risks prior to the scheduled six monthly updates.


RESOLVED – That the Mid Year Risk Management report 2022/23 be noted.


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