Agenda item

Climate Change Progress

Report of the Chief Executive.


The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Chief Executive (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress towards the Council’s net zero target.


The submitted report stated that following the Council’s Climate Emergency Declaration in July 2019 (Minute 19/Jul/19 refers), a Sustainability and Climate Change Lead Officer had been appointed; a Climate Change Strategy and action plan had been produced and adopted; and that a trajectory of 30 per cent reduction in the Council’s emission every five years had been agreed (Minute C51(2)/Oct/21 refers).


It was reported that the emissions data was collected annually, so the next update would be reported in July 2023; milestones had been developed and were being used by the Climate Change Officer to monitor progress; the Climate Change Officer would be working with lead officers to develop the milestones for 2023/24; work had begun on an adaptation plan to sit alongside the carbon reduction plans to ensure continuing resilience to climate change; work also continued on the development of a strategy for how the Council intended to offset residual emissions; and outlined how the Council communicated with residents and businesses and internally with staff, on climate change.


Reference was made at the meeting to the progress, that the Council were making in reducing its emissions, and to the promising trajectory that it was on, but in doing so, highlighted the many challenges that the Council still faced, including looking at procurement; the lack of resources to tackle those challenges; and to the possibility of an Energy Plan being developed for the Tees Valley.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

REASON - With increasing public awareness and desire to take action on climate change, the Council needs to deliver on its own Declaration.?????

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