Report of the Assistant Director Commissioning Performance and Transformation
The Assistant Director of Commissioning, Performance and Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) to consider the proposals for the refreshed Children and Young People’s Plan 2023 – 2028.
It was reported that although the plan was no longer a statutory requirement, the production of a Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) as a strategic plan for delivering outcomes for children and young people and the setting of priorities for the medium term was considered to be best practice.
It was noted that the development of the refreshed five-year Plan had taken place with input from a wide range of stakeholders including children and young people; young carers; health; police; the voluntary sector, and schools; and the Plan will need to be delivered within existing resources, maximising partnership working to deliver the refreshed Plan, and use every opportunity, where possible, to attract additional funding.
The refreshed CYPP will be completed and launched in Spring 2023 and progress against the refreshed CYPP will be managed through the Health and Well Being Board.
Members supported the Plan and acknowledged the key themes of the Plan drawn from feedback with face to face consultation with local schools and colleges, the Darlington Youth Partnership, the Youth Member of Parliament and engagement with key stakeholders which included children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing; cyber bullying and suicide rates; the impact of young people awaiting a diagnosis for autism from the CAMHS service; and child poverty and the impact of hardship on families and their children.
RESOLVED – That the proposals for the refreshed Children and Young People’s Plan 2023 – 2028 be noted.
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