Agenda item

Chief Executive's Appraisal

Report of the Group Director of Operations


The Assistant Director Resources submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that the recommendation of the Appraisal Sub-Group in respect of the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal, be endorsed.


The submitted report stated that the Appraisal Sub-Group met on 16 December 2022 to consider the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal in accordance with the previously agreed process, and outlined the recommendation of the Appraisal Sub-Group.


RESOLVED - That Council note that the Appraisal Sub-Group has met to consider the Chief Executive’s Appraisal for 2022/23, and agreed that the Chief Executive will focus on the following key themes for the year ahead, namely :-


(i)                  ensuring governance arrangements of all Council activities and the Council’s financial position remains positive;

(ii)                preparing for the Quality Care Commission inspection of Adult Social Care;

(iii)              agile working and efficiencies from implementation;

(iv)              implementation of the Integrated Care Board into the organisation; and

(v)                further investigation of partnerships with local voluntary sector organisations.


REASON - To enable the appraisal to be confirmed.


Supporting documents: