Agenda item

Admission as Honorary Freewoman

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) recommending that the service of two Councillors and one former Councillor be recognised, by admitting Councillors Mrs. Heather Scott OBE, Mrs Doris Jones BEM and former Councillor Mrs Dorothy Long, as ‘Honorary Freewoman’ of Darlington.


The submitted report stated that the Local Government Act 1972 enabled the Council to admit ‘persons of distinction’ and persons who have ‘rendered eminent service’ to the Borough as an ‘Honorary Freeman’ or ‘Honorary Freewoman’ of Darlington. It was noted that the title of Honorary Freeman or Freewoman was the highest civic honour that the Council was able to bestow.


The submitted report stated that a Special Meeting of the Council would need to be convened, whereat two-thirds of Members present must vote in favour of the resolution.


RESOLVED – (a) That Councillors Mrs. Heather Scott OBE, Mrs. Doris Jones BEM and former Councillor Mrs. Dorothy Long be admitted to the title of ‘Honorary Freewoman of Darlington’ as a fitting way to recognise and honour the service of those individuals.


(b) That a Special Meeting of the Council be convened in February 2023, to enable Members to formally vote (with a two-thirds majority) on a resolution that Councillors Mrs. Heather Scott OBE, Mrs. Doris Jones BEM and former Councillor Mrs. Dorothy Long be admitted to the title of ‘Honorary Freewoman of Darlington’.


(c) That the Assistant Director, Law and Governance be authorised to finalise the arrangements for the Special meeting of the Council, the conferment of the award and titles, and an appropriate event to follow on from that meeting.


REASONS - (a)To recognise the long and eminent service of those individuals by the conferment of the title of ‘Honorary Freewoman’.


(b) To enable decisions to be made in compliance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972.

Supporting documents: