Agenda item

Climate Change Progress

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Council on progress towards the Council’s net zero target.


The submitted report advised that a Sustainability and Climate Change Lead Officer had been appointed in late January 2020, and that the Climate Change Strategy was adopted in July 2020, and that working with lead officers across the Council, an action plan was produced and adopted in October 2021.  It was reported that a trajectory of 30% reduction in the Council’s emission every five years was agreed at Cabinet in October 2021, with the next update due to be reported in the July 2023 report to Cabinet and Council.


The submitted report stated that milestones had been developed and were being used by the Climate Change Officer to monitor progress, and that the Climate Change Officer would continue to work with lead officers to develop the milestones for 2023/24. A number of key actions were subsequently outlined within the report.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


REASON – To monitor the progress of the Council in terms of delivering on its own Declaration

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