Agenda item

Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust - Quality Account Update

Presentation by Associate Director of Quality Governance, Compliance and Quality Data and Associate Director of Strategic Planning Programmes, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust


The Associate Director of Quality Governance, Compliance and Quality Data and Associate Director of Strategic Planning Programmes, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust gave a presentation outlining the progress made on the Quality improvement actions and quality metrics for 2022/23.


It was reported that the Quality Account had 3 improvement actions, Personalising care planning, improving safety on wards and implementing the new National Patient Safety Incident Framework; that of the 16 actions that underpinned the improvement actions, 9 were on track with 4 fully complete, whilst 4 were off track but due to be completed by the end of the financial year (amber) and 3 were red and would not be completed in this financial year.


Members were informed that the red actions related to Care Planning; that due to the delay in implementation of the new electronic patient record system, these would not be completed; the system was due to be implemented by 1 July 2023 and a robust Quality Assurance programme was in place which showed improvements in the metrics relating to the quality of care plans.


Members noted the amber actions and particular discussion ensued regarding the use of body cameras and Oxevision and their associated benefits.


In relation to the actions on track but not yet complete, Members noted that work continued to improve the Trust’s Serious Incident Review process and Members were informed of the Trust’s intention to procure a new risk management system that would enable all incidents to be captured in one place. Members also noted the completed actions.


The presentation outlined the details of performance against the quality metrics for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2, of which two were reporting Green at Quarter 2, those being Metric 2 - Number of incidents of falls (level 3 and above) per 1000 occupied bed days (OBDs) –for inpatients and Metric 4 -  Percentage of adults discharged from CCG-commissioned mental health inpatient services receive a follow up within 72 hours; and that five quality metrics were reporting Red.


Members were informed that ward occupancy had caused significant pressure on wards however a range of actions had been undertaken by the Trust to address staffing issues, this included a restructure and a government led recruitment programme with Kerala, India.


Members raised concern regarding performance against the quality metrics and were informed that the Trust’s targets were significantly higher than other organisations and that some metrics, whilst reporting as red, were positive. Reference was also made to the Trusts quality and safety journey.


RESOLVED – (a) That the Associate Director of Quality Governance, Compliance and Quality Data and Associate Director of Strategic Planning Programmes, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust be thanked for their informative presentation.


(b) That the Trust’s progress against the quality improvement actions be noted.


(c) That Members concerns regarding the Trust’s performance against the quality metrics and ongoing challenges be noted.




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