22/01228/CU - Change of Use from dwelling house (Use Class C3) to short term serviced accommodation (Sui Generis) (Retrospective Application).
(In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), the views of the Council’s Highways Engineer and Environmental Health Officer, six objections received, and the views of the Applicant’s Agent and one Objector, whom the Committee heard).
Councillor Johnson moved that the Officers recommendation contained within the report be approved, which was duly seconded by Councillor C. L. B. Hughes.
Councillor Lee moved an Amendment, which was that consideration of the item be deferred in order to allow Members to hear from the Applicant’s Property Management Company. The Amendment was seconded by Councillor Heslop, The Amendment was put to the meeting and fell.
The Substantive Motion was then put to the meeting, and fell.
RESOLVED – No decision was made, and therefore the item will be heard at the next meeting of the Planning Applications Committee.
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