Agenda item

Declarations of Interest.


In respect of Minute C61(1) below, Councillors Crumbie, Harker and C L B Hughes declared pecuniary interests, due to their respective roles on the School Governing Bodies of Reid Street Primary School, Federation of Darlington Nursery Schools, Whinfield Primary School and Carmel College, and left the meeting during consideration of that item only and Councillor A J Scott took the Chair, for that item only. Mrs Scott declared a non-pecuniary interest due to her involvement in the Education Village


In respect of Minute C64 below, Councillor A J Scott declared a pecuniary interest as Councillor A J Scott worked at a business on Alderman Best Way and left the meeting during consideration of that item only. Councillor Mrs Scott declared a non-pecuniary interests as a family member who worked for a business on Alderman Best Way.