Agenda item

Notification of Appeals


The Chief Executive will report that :-


Mr David Williams has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for Construction of a carport within front boundary (Retrospective Application) at 26A Gate Lane, Low Coniscliffe, Darlington (22/01064/FUL)


Vivid Outdoor Media Solutions (B) Ltd has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the Display of 1 no. free standing internally illuminated LED digital advertisement display unit at Harrowgate Sports and Social Club, Salters Lane North, DARLINGTON, DL1 3DT (23/00043/ADV)


Mr Nick Cooper has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the Erection of porch to front elevation (re-submission) at 37 Leach Grove, Darlington DL3 0TW (23/00068/FUL)


RECOMMENDED – That the report be received.


The Chief Executive reported that:


Mr David Williams has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for Construction of a carport within front boundary (Retrospective Application) at 26A Gate Lane, Low Coniscliffe, Darlington.


Vivid Outdoor Media Solutions (B) Ltd has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the Display of 1 no. free standing internally illuminated LED digital advertisement display unit at Harrowgate Sports and Social Club, Salters Lane North, Darlington, DL1 3DT.


Mr Nick Cooper has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the Erection of porch to front elevation (re-submission) at 37 Leach Grove, Darlington DL3 0TW.


RESOLVED – That the reports be received