Agenda item

To receive a return of Councillors elected on 4th May 2023


- Received – A schedule (previously circulated) of the Returning Officer that the under-mentioned persons had been elected Members of the Council and had made and subscribed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office, namely:-


WARD                                                                        NAME


BANK TOP AND LASCELLES                                   Andrew Anderson

Helen Crumbie

                                                                                      David Ray


BRINKBURN AND FAVERDALE                             Rebecca Baker

                                                                                      David Beckett                                                                                                                                   Scott Durham


COCKERTON                                                              Jan Cossins

Jim Garner

Neil Johnson


COLLEGE                                                                     Bryony Holroyd PhD

Matthew Snedker


EASTBOURNE                                                            Joe Dillon

Jonathan Dulston

                                                                                      Kevin Nicholson


HARROWGATE HILL                                                Roz Henderson

                                                                                      Richard Lawley

Anna-Maria Toms


HAUGHTON AND SPRINGFIELD                          Chris McEwan

                                                                                      Dawn Storr

Nick Wallis


HEIGHINGTON AND CONISCLIFFE                     Paul Crudass   

Gerald Lee


HUMMERSKNOTT                                                   Kate Mammolotti

                                                                                      Thomas Robinson


HURWORTH                                                               Lorraine Tostevin

                                                                                      Paul Walters


MOWDEN                                                                   Pauline Culley

                                                                                      Alan Marshall


NORTH ROAD                                                            Hilary Allen

                                                                                      James Coe

Anne-Marie Curry


NORTHGATE                                                              Sajna Ali

                                                                                      Sonia Kane


PARK EAST                                                                  Libby McCollom

                                                                                      Michael Nicholson

Matthew Roche


PARK WEST                                                                Bob Donoghue

                                                                                      Heather Scott


PIERREMONT                                                            Steve Harker

                                                                                      Mary Layton

James McGill


RED HALL AND LINGFIELD                                     Mandy Porter

Dr. Amanda Riley



                                                                                      Colin Pease

                                                                                      Yvonne Renton


STEPHENSON                                                            Ian Haszeldine

                                                                                      Mohammad Mahmud


WHINFIELD                                                                Jamie Bartch, BA, MA

                                                                                      Andy Keir


NOTE: The Mayor informed Members that newly-elected Members were required to draw lots to determine their Order of Seniority on the Council, and a draw was subsequently held. The Order of Seniority for official purposes was listed as follows:


Position            Councillor


1.                         Mrs. Scott

2.                         Wallis

3.                         Harker

4.                         Haszeldine

5.                         McEwan

6.                         Lee

7.                         Curry

8.                         Cossins

9.                         Crudass

10.                       Kane

11.                       Donoghue

12.                       Crumbie

13.                       Mrs. Culley

14.                       Tostevin

15.                       K. Nicholson

16.                       M. Nicholson
17.                       Marshall

18.                       Holroyd

19.                       Ali

20.                       Snedker

21.                       Dulston

22.                       Allen

23.                       Laing

24.                       Bartch

25.                       Layton

26.                       Keir

27.                       McCollom

28.                       Durham

29.                       Storr

30.                       Anderson

31.                       McGill

32.                       Robinson

33.                       Roche

34.                       Garner

35.                       Johnson

36.                       Renton

37.                       Lawley

38.                       Ray

39.                       Beckett

40.                       Pease

41.                       Mammolotti

42.                       Porter

43.                       Dillon

44.                       Walters

45.                       Henderson

46.                       Dr. Riley

47.                       Baker

48.                       Mahmud

49.                       Coe

50.                       Toms

Supporting documents: