Consideration was given to the appointment of a new Leader of the Council for a Four Year Term of Office.
Councillor McEwan moved that Councillor Harker be appointed as the Leader of the Council for a Four Year Term of Office, which was duly seconded.
At the request of five Members, a Named Vote was taken of those present at the meeting and there appeared:
For the Motion: The Mayor; Councillors Ali, Allen, Anderson, Baker, Beckett, Coe, Crumbie, Curry, Dillon, Garner, Harker, Haszeldine, Johnson, Kane, Layton, Mahmud, McCollom, McEwan, McGill, M. Nicholson, Porter, Ray, Dr. Riley, Roche, Storr and Wallis (27)
Against the Motion: Councillors Bartch, Crudass, Mrs. Culley, Donoghue, Dulston, Durham, Henderson, Holroyd, Keir, Laing, Lawley, Lee, Mammolotti, Marshall, K. Nicholson, Pease, Renton, Robinson, Mrs. Scott, Snedker, Toms, Tostevin and Walters (23)
RESOLVED – That Councillor Harker be appointed as the Leader of the Council for a Four Year Term of Office