23/00189/FUL - Change of use of integral garage (Use Class C3) to a home working hairdressing business (Use Class E) including alteration to garage door and to regularise first-floor window to side elevation (part retrospective) (additional Planning Statement 13/03/2023 and amended plans and extractor fan details received 24/03/2023).
(In making its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), the views of the Council’s Highways Engineer and the Council’s Environmental Health Manager, the objections of the Parish Council, sixteen letters of objection received, and five letters of representation received).
RESOLVED – That Planning Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:
REASON – To accord with the
provisions of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act,
· Existing & Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations Drawing Number 2819-1F dated 24/03/2023
· Proposed Parking Plan and Building Regulations Drawing Number 2819-2C dated 24/03/2023
REASON – To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the planning permission
3. This permission shall be solely operated for the benefit of the applicant, Mrs Kim Gibson l and shall not run with the land. Mrs Gibson should be the sole employee of the business. In the event of Mrs Gibson vacating the premises the integral garage shall revert to residential use.
REASON – In granting this permission the Local Planning Authority has had regard to the special circumstances of the case and wishes to have the opportunity of exercising control over subsequent use in the event of Mrs Kim Gibson vacating the premises.
REASON – In the interest residential amenity
REASON – The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that the use hereby approved would not result in detriment to adjoining properties but would wish to control future changes of use within the same class in the interests of amenity.
REASON – In the interest of highway safety
REASON - To prevent overlooking of the nearby premises.
Supporting documents: