Agenda item

Notification of Decision on Appeals -


The Chief Executive will report that, Inspectors, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, have :-


Allowed the appeal by David Williams against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the construction of a carport within front boundary (Retrospective Application) at 26A Gate Lane, Low Coniscliffe, Darlington DL2 2JY (22/01064/FUL) (Copy of Inspector’s decision enclosed).


Allowed the appeal by Mr Clive Davies against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for Removal of 2 No. radio masts (non-retractable) and erection of 1 No. (retractable) telescopic sliding radio mast to rear (amended plans received 8 December 2022) at 28 Neville Road, Darlington, DL3 8HY (22/01121/FUL)

(Copy of Inspector’s decision enclosed).


RECOMMENDED – That the report be received.


The Chief Executive reported that the Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment had:-


Allowed the appeal by David Williams against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the construction of a carport within front boundary (Retrospective Application) at 26A Gate Lane, Low Coniscliffe, Darlington DL2 2JY (22/01064/FUL).


Allowed the appeal by Mr Clive Davies against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for Removal of 2 No. radio masts (non-retractable) and erection of 1 No. (retractable) telescopic sliding radio mast to rear (amended plans received 8 December 2022) at 28 Neville Road, Darlington, DL3 8HY (22/01121/FUL).


RESOLVED – That the reports be received.

Supporting documents: