22/00875/FUL – Infilling of topographical depression with inert construction waste on land at 18th hole and formation of a bund around existing driving range (part retrospective) (Additional information received 28th February 2023 and 2nd March 2023).
(In considering the application, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), the views of Council’s Highways Engineer and Environmental Health Officer, the Lead Flood Authority, the Environment Agency, the objections of Neasham Parish Council and Middleton St George Parish Council, 16 objections received from residents, 25 letters of support received, and the views of the Applicant’s Agent, whom the Committee heard).
Members considered the application, and discussed if the proposal, by reason of its scale, would be disproportionate when seeking to solve issues relating to restricting the flight of golf balls on the course and would result in an unacceptable visual appearance within the area. The Head of Planning, Development and Environment Health advised that, if Members were considering moving refusal of the application, he would suggest that the matter be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee to give him time to draft suitable wording for a refusal on such grounds.
RESOLVED – That consideration of the Application be deferred to a future meeting of this Committee (9 August 2023).
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