Agenda item

Notification of Decision on Appeals - The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services will report that, Inspectors, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, have :-

(a)   dismissed the appeal by Messrs Lee, Tyers and Hartley against this Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for change of use of land for the siting of 15 no. holiday chalets, with associated access, car parking and landscaping (additional transport statement received 29 August 2017 and additional supporting information received 29 September 2017) at land North east of Brickyard Farm, Neasham Road, Hurworth Moor, Darlington (Ref No. 17/00623/FUL) (copy of Inspector’s decision letter (enclosed); and


(b)  dismissed the appeal by Mr Anthony Vassiounis against this Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for demolition of existing triple garage and erection of single storey residential dwelling with parking area, new pedestrian access, street lighting and 1.8m high timber close-boarded fencing and gates (revised scheme) (Screening Assessment received 21 December 2017 and amended plan and additional Heritage Statement received 1 February 2018) at garages and garden to rear of 38 Langholm Crescent, Darlington (Ref No. 17/00945/FUL) (copy of Inspector’s decision letter (enclosed).


Recommended – That the report be received.


(a)    dismissed the appeal by Messrs Lee, Tyers and Hartley against this Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for change of use of land for the siting of 15 no. holiday chalets, with associated access, car parking and landscaping (additional transport statement received 29August 2017 and additional supporting information received 29 September 2017) at land North east of Brickyard Farm, Neasham Road, Hurworth Moor, Darlington (Ref No. 17/00623/FUL); and

(b)    dismissed the appeal by Mr Anthony Vassiounis against this Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for demolition of existing triple garage and erection of single storey residential dwelling with parking area, new pedestrian access, street lighting and 1.8m high timber close-boarded fencing and gates (revised scheme) (Screening Assessment received 21 December 2017 and amended plan and additional Heritage Statement received 1 February 2018) at garages and garden to rear of 38 Langholm Crescent, Darlington (Ref No. 17/00945/FUL).

RESOLVED - That the report be received.