Agenda item

Darlington Cultural Strategy Action Plan for 2023/2024

Report of the Group Director of Services


The Group Director of Services submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on progress delivering the priorities in the Darlington Cultural Strategy 2022-2026 and the 2022/23 Action Plan and for Members to consider the Action Plan for 2023/24 (also previously circulated).


It was reported that the Darlington Cultural Strategy 2022-2026 was approved in 2022/23, with a commitment to submit annual Action Plans for consideration by Scrutiny Members; reference was made to the definition of Culture being used for the strategy and the areas covered; details were provided of the vision of the strategy; and the five priorities which the strategy seeks to address between 2022 and 2026 were outlined.


The submitted report provided details of the progress made in 2022/23 in addressing priorities and reference was made to the action plan for 2023/24.


Members raised questions regarding the impact of the cost of living crisis and the cessation of 2 hour free parking offer on events; Members were informed that whilst there had been a reduction in advanced bookings, there was a good level of secondary spend at the Hippodrome and that the town centre offer provided a good mix of provisions including a wide range of free events; and the impact in relation to the end of the parking offer was not yet known.


Members queried role of the Friends of the Stockton and Darlington Railway (Friends of S&DR) in relation to the priority ‘Develop the content of the 2025 bi-centenary programme proposal’; Members were informed that the Friends of S&DR were heavily involved, were members on the executive group and board, and that this had been an omission and the Plan would be amended accordingly to include them as a partner. Discussion also ensued regarding funding streams.


A Member of public in attendance at the meeting highlighted a number of concerns on behalf of the Friends of S&DR in relation to historical accuracy for the bicentenary. The Assistant Director Community Services assured Members that advice and the views of the Friends of S&DR was considered alongside the views of other partners and experts that were involved and highlighted the importance of compromise to ensure that the bicentenary offer appealed to everyone.


RESOLVED – (a) That the progress on the 2022/23 Action Plan be noted.


(b) That the Action Plan for 2023/24 be noted.

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