Agenda item

Dolphin Centre Repairs

Report of the Group Director of Services.


The Cabinet Member with the Health and Housing Portfolio introduced the report of the Group Director of Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to including further works to repair the toddler pool area and a retaining wall as part of the current Dolphin Centre Pool repairs project.


The submitted report stated that at the Special Cabinet meeting held on 11 August 2023 approval was given to progressing areas of work in the vicinity of the changing area; in securing the urgent approval from Cabinet the benefits secured from continuity of the current project were being progressed and the acceleration was advantageous from a financial, operational and customer perspective; and that the further areas had been identified that would also need to be considered on a similar basis, once the outcome of investigations had been completed.


It was reported that investigations into the toddler pool area and the retaining wall had been undertaken and a number of essential repairs had been identified; the benefits of undertaking those works as part of the current project would allow works to be undertaken in parallel, secure benefits from the continuity of the project and be advantageous from a financial, operational perspective; and that the approval of the further works would ensure as much of the works could be undertaken in parallel in as shorter period as possible to minimise the impact on customers and provide certainty going forward.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the additional work, as identified in the submitted report, be approved.


(b)  That a report be forwarded to Council to vary the Capital Budget for 2023/24 by £400,000 and release the capital to accelerate the repairs and undertake them as an extension to the current project.


REASONS – (a)  To allow all the essential works to be carried out, meaning the toddler pool will not have to be closed for repairs in 18 months and that the toddler pool can be reopened at the earliest opportunity.


(b)  To address structural issues within the base of the retaining wall in the plant room.


(c)  Undertaking all the works that have been identified as needing repair within two years as part of the current project could save cost increases arising from construction inflation and lost income of up to £200,000 when compared to re-starting a project in 18 months’ time.

Supporting documents: