Issue - decisions

Skerningham Garden Village Design Code

16/12/2022 - Skerningham Garden Village Design Code

The Leader introduced the report of the Chief Executive (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress of Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and requesting that consideration be given to commencing an additional round of public consultation on the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Draft SPD (also previously circulated).


The submitted report stated that it was a requirement of the adopted Darlington Local Plan 2016/36 to create and adopt SPD’s based on a Design Code for Skerningham Garden Village; the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Draft SPD had been formally consulted upon between 9 September and 17 October 2022; 87 comments from 75 contributing consultees had been received; given those extensive comments and observations it was requested that a refreshed document which demonstrated positively the differences that had been proposed in the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code be consulted up; and that DesignNE had carried out the refresh of the Design Code.


A number of questions were raised by members of the public on a number of issues including how the Council would address the biodiversity loss without resorting to ‘net gain’ scenarios; the timing of the public consultation over the Christmas and New Year period when the vast majority of people may not have the time to respond to the consultation; the reasoning for removing some of the principles from the Design Code; the route of the access road through the Skerningham plantation; and whether the Council had the exact location of the burial sites.  Particular references were also made to the suitability of the site for housing; the demand for housing; the capacity of the A1150 to deal with the extra traffic generated by the development; and to the replacement of any trees that were lost as a result of the development.  The Leader, Chief Executive and Assistant Director Economic Growth responded thereon.


RESOLVED –  (a)  That the progress and content of the Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Supplementary Planning Documents, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.

(b)  That the additional public consultation period on the revised Skerningham Garden Village Design Code Draft Supplementary Planning Document, from 9 December 2202 to 6 January 2023, be approved.


REASON - To ensure the various stakeholders are fully aware of the contents of the refreshed document and demonstrate that the Council has engaged positively with the residents and consultees.