Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care Transformation Programme

16/01/2019 - Adult Social Care Transformation Programme

The Director of Children and Adult Services submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress of the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme, which had been developed to modernise service and meet future demands and address pressures within that service area.

It was reported that the programme was progressing well with work in a number of areas complete and many more nearing completion and that the programme was regularly reviewed with new work added and the scope of existing pieces of work widened as applicable.

Particular references were made to the project in relation to Vane House and it was reported that work was being undertaken to establish the options available to deliver the best offer in relation to sensory impairment and how best that offer could be supported, the location of the first point of contact to Adult Social Care services and the work being undertaken to prepare for winter pressures.

RESOLVED – That the report be received.